Trilogi Moral Utilitarianisme Lagu Kebangsaan “Indonesia Raya”
Kata Kunci:
Indonesia Raya, utilitarianism, happiness, unity, immortalityAbstrak
This research is based on facts and conceptions about the existence of a strong relationship between the values of national morality and the national anthem. This study attempts to analyze the moral values and ethical concepts of the national anthem "Indonesia Raya" using the ethical perspective of utilitarianism. Therefore, this study aims to find national morality in the lyrics of the song "Indonesia Raya", also to formulate the concept of ethics along with the moral principles of utilitarianism. Research in the field of ethics is carried out using content analysis methods using methodical elements of philosophy. That is, the formal object of this study is the ethical perspective of utilitarianism, while the material object is the national anthem "Indonesia Raya". So far this research has been completed, the results that can be seen are that the song "Indonesia Raya" has its national ideal moral trilogy on values: unity, happiness and immortality. This ideal value positions the value of happiness as its utilitarian moral principle. The Indonesian nation and homeland as the objective reality of the song, for the existence of the subject becomes its moral demand to achieve the greatest happiness, namely the life of the great and eternal Indonesian nation.
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